The great Hobbit toe issue

I’m definitely a Hobbit – short with hairy toes! Now, doesn’t that paint a pretty picture but I’m sure there are many women out there who sometimes can’t believe how hairy we can get and I’m not talking about hair on your head. In this day and age hair removal is big business unless you live in some parts of mainland Europe and prefer the au naturale look. Shaving, waxing, creams, laser treatment and threading are but a few that I can think of. From legs to facial hair and the most painful is bikini line waxing, it’s no wonder that most women in the UK love the winter because of trousers and thick black tights. When summer arrives it’s back to regular hair removal which can be time consuming and expensive.

Now for some home truths and most men can stop reading now as you won’t be in the slightest bit interested unless you are a closet transvestite. My legs are in a desperate need for a wax (hopefully getting them done tomorrow) along with my eyebrows. I can’t pluck my eyebrows as I just can’t stand the pain – weird as waxing them is fine. I’m not going to talk about my bikini line but all I can say is that it bloody hurts getting it waxed. I save the razor for underarms and my big toes – I have spoken to a few fellow females and I’m not the only one with hairy toes. Maybe I’m breaking some sort of secret pact about the female hairy toe issue by writing about them! Oh well. I have a couple of friends (one is half Italian and the other is half Persian) who have a pact that if either one is in the coma then the other will take control of their eyebrows otherwise when they wake up they won’t be able to see anyway and could think they are still in a coma! Maybe laser treatment is the way to go but the cost could be the same as getting a new laptop or having my eye sight corrected so I will stick to waxing and shaving like most of the UK female population.

1 Response to “The great Hobbit toe issue”

  1. 1 Faye May 27, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    it is funny, the strange places that a stray hair can pop up on a female’s body. i get 2 or 3 random long black hairs on my breasts every now and then… my ex used to be totally disgusted when seeing me search over my breasts for unwanted hairs… (fortunately the new and wonderful boyfriend loves anything i do and is not in the least bit perturbed by it, but that’s a ramble for another day)…. i get hairs on my toes, but they are light and blonde so i don’t even pay attention to them.

    i found that waxing my bikini area myself is less painful than at the salon. i don’t know why… maybe it’s because i dose myself with a glass of wine first and a couple tylenol before getting to “work”… ha ha ha…

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