Posts Tagged 'Sex and the City'

Afternoon out with the ladies

Today was one of those rare occasions when I got to spend some time with my girl friends. There are four of us who are close friends but as we have got older and have our own homes to look after, we see each other less and less. This afternoon I went round one of my friends house for an afternoon of watching the Sex and The City film with home baked cakes, lots of tea and a cosmopolitan. My day started with a trip to the local supermarket in the rain and then baking pecan pie. I cheated on the pastry making and brought some “Jus Roll” as I didn’t really have time to make that as well. So I spent an hour baking and then rushing round to my friends house, who luckily lives a couple of streets away. Between the four of us we had home-made cup cakes and scones with jam. A friend brought some chocolate brownies as well. With smoked salmon sandwiches to start with and a cup of tea it felt like we were at a posh hotel for afternoon tea. After a bit of chatting to catch up on all the news we watched the film. This is the second time I have seen it and it is still a great film second time round. Some films you just can’t watch twice.

Half-way through the film we decided to have a quick break and I made Cosmopolitans. I had taken my martini glasses, spirits, cranberry juice, lime and cocktail shaker with me. We all had a Cosmo each and more cake for the rest of the film. It was great fun getting together and watching a film like Sex and the City. It just made us what to go out more together and get dressed up for it as well. We also tried to work out which character each of us was most like. I think we would all like to be Carrie for her clothes but most probably we are more like a mixture of all of them. No one owed up to being like Samantha…! The one thing that struck me when watching this film, is that I have known my friends for over fifteen years and we all have different lives, different jobs, different hobbies but it’s nice to know that we are all still friends after all these years. Even with my best friend going to Australia in December for maybe six weeks, a year or maybe even forever, I believe that the four of us will always be really good friends and have many more good times together.


I have only ever watched the series Sex and the City now and again, but the fashion element of it has always intrigued me. Yesterday, I went to movies to watch the highly hyped film with the girls from work. Of course the whole place was full of women, maybe a couple of token men where there. I don’t really go to the movies very often – so going to Leicester Square Odeon seemed a big deal especially for the amount of women dressed up to see the film, but really it’s no different to any other I’ve been to except maybe Keswick in the Lake District, who have only one screen and bring out ice-cream sellers after the trailers and ads. SATC is actually really good – albeit a tad long especially as I’m such a fidget. The story is really well written and even if you haven’t seen much of the TV show it is worth going to see. The outfits, wow – if only I had that sort of budget to spend on clothes.

The oddest thing about going to see this film was being in a room full of women, who clapped at the beginning of the film, woos and ahhhs in all the right places (rather loudly) and clapped again at the end. I don’t think I have ever been to the movies and this has happened. Made it feel like I was in a middle of a hen party but a rather relaxed hen party. Unlike my experience of seeing Dirty Dancing at the theatre last year. Oh my god, it was like being on a giant hen party – I have never felt so embarrassed for myself and the actors on the stage. Then a sing-along at the end to top it off. It has to be one of the worst nights of my life. Maybe one of the reasons I didn’t really enjoy it, is that I’ve only seen the film once or maybe twice before so I don’t really know the lines or the story. Most people are shocked by this but my greatest achievement for not seeing a particular film is that I haven’t seen The Sound of Music. Every woman I have told this is to is always in great shock, but I think it is something to be quite smug about; I like the idea of being naive about The Sound of Music.
